
Alopecia: the road to acceptance

How do you come to terms with alopecia?

I met C. a few days ago at Chouchoute’s in Toulouse, and I’d like to thank her for these discussions and for her trust. Among other things, we talked about accepting alopecia.


Diagnosis: the first step towards acceptance

In order to accept alopecia, the diagnosis has to be made, and this is often where the problem lies. At first, we think it’s a slight fall linked to the change of seasons, then to prolonged tiredness, then to heavy stress… and time goes by. The mirror becomes our enemy, and every lost strand is a blow to our femininity and self-esteem. The more our hair falls out, the more stress it generates, disrupting our moments of recuperation and weighing down our fatigue, further impacting the vitality of our hair.

The Search for Solutions : A Long and Difficult Road

After the initial shock comes the frantic search for solutions. It’s a period of successive hopes and disappointments. We embarked on cures of vitamins B8, Biotin, B5 with Zinc and Selenium, spirulina or grass juice (yes, I’ve tested this for many years), brewer’s yeast, supplemented with fenugreek and nettle tea. Not forgetting cider vinegar on an empty stomach in the morning. I won’t go into detail about the experiments with oily macerates, where our head becomes a veritable vinaigrette on which we need to rub garlic to activate microcirculation in synergy with the derma roller.

Exhaustion and frustration
Until one day… we can’t take any more of that coloured spray that used to help hide bald spots but migrates to our fingers as soon as we touch our head. At this point, we have no choice but to accept it. Of course, all these methods can help with minor fatigue, but in the case of alopecia of genetic or hormonal origin, they are not long-term solutions. And for many of us, this increases with age.

The Discovery of Hair Topper: An Aesthetic Solution
The day I really came to terms with my alopecia was when I discovered an aesthetic solution: the hair topper. It gave me an immediate result, which I could put on or take off as I wished, and gave me the possibility of having a length and colour that I could never have achieved with my organic hair. This hair piece solution didn’t cure my alopecia, but by allowing me to regain a beautiful self-image, my stress was reduced enormously.

Acceptance and Letting Go
At that very moment, I stopped counting the hairs that fell on my pillow or after shampooing. I decided that it would no longer be a source of immeasurable stress.

What about you? What has helped you come to terms with your alopecia?

Share your experiences in the comments below.

We hope to hear from you soon,


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